What is Compressed Potting Soil?
With so many choices of planting and gardening options, it can be confusing to fully understand what you need and why some products may be a better choice over others....
Browse through our article collection to view our favorite gardening tips & tricks and important info on how to grow the most spectacular plants with ease!
With so many choices of planting and gardening options, it can be confusing to fully understand what you need and why some products may be a better choice over others....
Have you ever pondered this question, ‘Does Potting Soil Go Bad?’ It totally makes sense! Potting soil is loaded with organic matter, some are enhanced with fertilizers, manures, beneficial microbes...
Here are 11 common things in your kitchen that you can avoid tossing in the trash, and how to make composting them easier!
Onions are a kitchen staple! In fact, onions are the 3rd largest fresh vegetable grown in the U.S. No surprise, these antioxidant rich bulbs have been cultivated worldwide for more...
Can you compost avocados? Yes, and with a bit of know-how, some patience and time, you can easily compost every bit of your avocados, maybe even grow your own avocado...
Composting is nature’s most natural way to feed the soil and continue the cycle of life. It is absolutely genius. While the hot topic of whether or not to compost garlic...
While ginger has had a lot of attention for its amazing healing properties, the question of whether or not it is safe to compost, is still a bit hazy. It...
In an era not so long ago, humans didn’t have to think too much about what they used on their land to grow crops. Sure they had their fair share...
The impact that humans have on bees could make or break our future, and theirs! What can you do to help?
Soil is the foundation of plant life. When we feed our soil, we ultimately feed almost all life! That means that we need to be conscious of what we feed...
Not all plant food and potting soils are created equal! Want to know what ingredients we use to make ours so organically magical?
Does it surprise you that the U.S. and Canada have lost 29% of its birds since 1970 due to cropland expansion and pesticides? Do you know why using natural, non-synthetic,...
Nothing is more of a pain than flying houseplant pests, but with the right approach, you can stop them in their tracks!
Scale is one of the most amazing pests, which makes them one of the toughest. Don't worry! We gotcha covered!
You may have mealybugs! Don't worry, with a little bit of help, you can conquer these buggers.
Do your houseplants have some unwanted visitors? It happens! All plants are susceptible, and indoor plants are an easy target for pests. With consistent indoor temperatures, no weather exposure, no...
Are you the proud yet confused seasonal plant parent of a new poinsettia? Everyone has one in their house this time of year, but how do we really keep...
Are you missing your garden time? Dirty hands, warm summer days, and fresh food straight outta the ground? We are and that is why we wanted to inspire you to...
Happy November! It is getting a bit chillier these days and we are always looking for new things to grow, indoors and outdoors. Have you tried planting kitchen herbs? They...
We love the cooler days of Fall! How about you? Are you cleaning up your garden? Had your first frost? Planting another round of cool weather crops in a warmer...
If you love fall and pumpkin as much as we do, we hope you'll love this recipe! What an amazing way to create something out necessity and abundance! Enjoy!
Did you know that our plants have much more life below the surface than above? In fact what we see above ground is only about 25%, the other 75% is...
DID YOU KNOW... Houseplants have their own special holiday? National Indoor Plant Week is September 19th - 25th this year. In honor of our green indoor friends who bring us...
Good news is that you can keep on planting even as the long warm days of summer start to wind down. Are you planning on planting fall bulbs? You should...
Wow! Can you believe that it is the middle of June already? What a wonderful time of the year to get out in the garden and grow good things
Do you have an abundance of zucchini? We would love to share our favorite healthy zucchini fritter recipe with you! We hope that your family loves them as much as...
It is great for those cooler weather crops like lettuces, arugula, spinach, leafy greens, beans, peas, radishes, carrots, and more. With a bit of planning, you will be well on
Crazy enough, fall is right around the corner and we know that you would love to keep that garden growing. With some planning
While we have been spending countless hours in our gardens, we must remember our trusty indoor plants that bring us happiness all year long
We are so happy that summer is here! The well awaited warm summer days are upon us. Unfortunately, our potted veggies,